Gentle Exercise During Periods

Gentle Exercise During Periods

Aug 22, 2022Liza Solodovnikova

Month after month, the majority of women experience menstrual cramps. Periods can pass easily without disturbing, or a little more severely, but it's a fact: gentle sports exercises are essential for the female body and well-being, especially during this time. 

Find out how to support your body in this article. 

Sport is The Miracle Weapon for Your Health

Many women consider it harmful to exercise during their menstrual period, but that is advantageous. Sport is health-promoting for us in every situation, including periods. Physical activity releases the happiness hormones Serotonin and Dopamine in our body, which give us positive feelings. We immediately feel fitter, more active, and healthier while exercising regularly.

Sport has positive effects on the body and mind, strengthens muscles, reduces fat, and keeps us healthy. You should always keep in mind that every woman is different. What works well for one person may not work for you and vice versa.

Exercise and sport during this phase can alleviate symptoms and counteract the pain. No one requires intense weight training to be done during this time. It's all about moving to feel good and get your metabolism going, rather than lying on the couch for days (again, that's OK if you think it will work better for you).

It's proven that regular exercises reduce pain, as the muscles are loosened and thus relieve cramps. The released hormones can also help you to feel better and more comfortable. In concrete terms, this means that the pressure in the pelvis can be reduced, and the released endorphins support us in the subsequent relaxation.

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Which Exercises Can Help During the Period?

We're just suggesting you try these exercises. Test yourself from month to month on the individual activities and find out which sports unit works better for you.

1. Yoga

Gentle yoga exercises during menstruation are also suitable for beginners. The stretching exercises loosen up your muscles and can have a relaxing effect. It is not about practicing complicated yoga positions but about relaxation. It's better to choose easy and calming exercises that you do closer to the ground. 

The beauty of yoga is in its peaceful movement that can provide natural relief. If you don't have a yoga mat handy, you can do the exercises on the carpet and put a towel on top.

2. Cycling

It can be beneficial to hop on your bike and ride a few miles while menstruating. The movement loosens the muscles and stimulates the metabolism. You can counteract the pain and abdominal cramps with plenty of water and liquid intake (you should always drink enough during your period!), vitamins from legumes, and nuts.

If you don't feel like driving around, you can do a few laps on the exercise bike. The advantage here is that you are at home and can enjoy your favorite series or movie and cycle in a relaxed manner.

Especially at the beginning of the period, it makes sense to do sports because the movement stretches the pelvic muscles. This promotes blood circulation and can relieve pain. Cycling during your period also naturally releases endorphins, which can work as a natural painkiller.

3. Walking/Jogging

Is cycling not for you? No problem, you can replace it with a long walk or a light jog - leg movement also relaxes the pelvic muscles. As with other sports, you should not overexert yourself when jogging. It's all about keeping moving.

Try to comfort yourself and take a long and relaxing walk through the forest, along the lake or river. The fresh air, exercise, and hormones released during exercise can be a miracle cure for menstrual pain. Just give it a try, and find out what kind of exercise works best for you during your period.

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Supplements for Hormone Balance During the Periods

If you are not in the mood for exercise during your period, you don't need to feel guilty. Just feel your way forward day by day and see how you can integrate the practices into your everyday life. Every day and every month is different - you don't need to feel bad if you treat yourself to some relaxation. Just do what is good for you at the particular moment.

You can try herbal supplements and seek support if you find it difficult to get away from the hot water bottle and the couch despite your best efforts. Our POWER is made for this time and will support your hormonal balance, which can also positively affect the pain.

Just try POWER for a few menstrual cycles, and see if you feel better during your periods. Then you can also integrate light sports exercises and enhance your well-being in the long term during your period.

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Disclaimer: This article is a collaborative effort of the CLAV editorial team, created on the current literature base. All our publications are supplemented with passion and expertise for naturopathy and a healthy lifestyle. Our medical experts approve all texts before publication. Please Note: Dietary supplements are no substitute for a balanced, healthy diet or medical advice.