Regain freedom of movement with anti-inflammatories - what to do when joints hurt?

Regain freedom of movement with anti-inflammatories - what to do when joints hurt?

Nov 09, 2022Hanna Eversmann

Not all inflammations are immediately visible. However, each one eventually becomes noticeable. Joint pain is a typical sign. We show you how herbal anti-inflammatories in the form of joint capsules can help and give you 7 useful tips against aching joints.

For whom are anti-inflammatories useful?

We all know anti-inflammatory drugs like ibuprofen. They are taken for painful inflammations or applied as an ointment to the affected area. But apart from these chemical drugs, there are also natural substances that stop or reduce inflammation. We show you when and for whom these natural remedies against inflammation are useful:

  • Joint pain: A common cause of painful joints is inflammation. In technical language, this is called arthritis. Why the immune system reacts with inflammation can have various reasons: Injury, rheumatism, gout, viruses, joint wear and tear (osteoarthritis) and more.
  • Susceptibility to infections: If your immune system is constantly busy with inflammation, then viruses and bacteria have an easy time. As a result, you're sick more often than not.
  • Skin blemishes: Blemishes are small inflammations in the skin. Hormones are often the cause.
  • Stress: Depression and exhaustion trigger small inflammations. This connection also exists the other way around. In other words, inflammation can have a negative effect on the psyche.
  • Chronic inflammatory diseases: Ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease are examples of inflammatory diseases of the intestine.

Natural anti-inflammatories are therefore suitable for all people who recognize themselves in one of these points. They can also be used to prevent common diseases such as diabetes. We recommend that you have the cause of your complaints medically clarified in order to be able to use anti-inflammatories sensibly. Natural supplements can also be used in conventional treatment with pain-relieving medications.

7 tips against joint pain

Inflammation in the joints causes pain and significantly restricts movement. That's over now. We have 7 tips on how you can get your freedom of movement back.

1. Frankincense capsules

Frankincense, a well-tried plant resin from natural medicine. Perhaps you know it in smoked form from the Catholic church service. Here, the smoke is said to have a cleansing effect. Frankincense capsules contain an extract from the resin. This is said to have a positive effect on inflammation and to benefit the joints. It is assumed that boswellic acid from the resin is responsible for this.

2. Always keep moving

If the joints hurt due to an injury, then rest is the order of the day for the time being. However, if it is rheumatoid arthritis, then exercise makes perfect sense. Sports that are easy on the joints, such as swimming, are recommended. Exercise is so important for the joint because it is the only way to supply the joint cartilage with sufficient vital substances. It is best to discuss with your doctor whether and what kind of exercise makes sense for you.

By the way, unaffected joints can and should always be moved. If your shoulder joint is inflamed, there is nothing to be said against a walk.

Enjoy movement with CLAV

3. Anti-inflammatory diet

Healthy fats, vitamins, minerals and phytochemicals contribute to anti-inflammatory processes in the body. They are therefore all-natural anti-inflammatories that you can easily incorporate into your daily routine. These include turmeric, ginger and garlic. Contrast this with sugar, alcohol and trans fats. They fire up the development of inflammation and thus also promote the development of some diseases.

4. Protect your cartilage

The cartilage is, so to speak, a buffer that absorbs the friction between the bones. Due to incorrect or excessive pressure, the cartilage can be damaged and no longer fulfil its function perfectly. In addition, the cartilage must be supplied with all the important building blocks. One of these building blocks is sulfur for the formation of chondroitin sulfate, which is responsible for the resistance of the cartilage. That's why we've included methylsulfonylmethane as a source of sulfur in our joint capsules.

Also important for cartilage is collagen. This is found in the diet, but only in animal products, such as bone broth or gelatin. However, collagen can also be produced by the body itself. This mainly requires amino acids and vitamin C. In a vegan diet, you should pay special attention to this.

5. Herbal ointments for joints

For joint pain, many people rely on ointments with chemical anti-inflammatories, but these have similar side effects as painkillers. We therefore advise you to use herbal ointments. Depending on the pain, you can choose either cooling or warming ointments. A well-known example is arnica ointment. The essential oils it contains are supposed to relieve the pain and stop the inflammation.

6. Joint capsules from nature

If you often suffer from joint pain, then joint capsules as a dietary supplement may be useful for you. Taking them regularly can help the body fight inflammation. Possible herbal anti-inflammatories in such capsules are:

  • Frankincense
  • Ginger
  • Turmeric
  • Field horsetail
  • Centella
  • Vitamin C

Anti-inflammatory joint capsules from CLAV

Discover CLAV joint capsules!

7. Pay attention to micronutrients

Healthy joints need the entire range of micronutrients, i.e. vitamins and minerals. Some of these are directly involved in the processes in the joint, others only indirectly. For example, strong muscles, bones and tendons protect the joints. Vitamin D, calcium, magnesium and more are important for this. Vitamin C, as already mentioned, is essential for the formation of cartilage collagen. B vitamins help in the transmission of stimuli from the nerves and muscles. A varied diet and exercise outdoors will help you create ideal conditions for your body.

However, chronic inflammation can also increase the need for micronutrients or inhibit their absorption through the diet. If the inflammation is in the intestine or stomach, for example, then a deficiency can occur despite a healthy diet. To protect your general health in such cases, a further supply may be useful until healing.